Thursday, October 9, 2008


I want to know that my monsters are hiding behind closed
I want them lurking in the shadows ready to pounce and
I want them in books and on the screen
I don’t want them running banks or congress
In charge of manufacturing or making decisions about my
Health care
Scary monsters should live in my head and not head of companies
That make people work long, hard hours creating wealth for the few
I want my monsters chasing Scooby-doo or Ripley
Not putting my friends on the street with little hope of work
Or housing
Running numbers that are so large that none of us can comprehend them
Using industrial fillers for baby formula or children’s’ toys or pet foods
Sowing fear and selling guns on the cheap

In another time he would have been the head of some organized crime
But, that’s not where the money is anymore
Illegal drugs are too risky, better to work with the pharmaceutical companies
Cholesterol and diet medications are the wave of the future
Organizations have always owned politicians – it’s all in the donations
Master of the Universe is just another name for Godfather
Where once upon a time big Al would have wiped his competition out
Now, it’s just easier and cleaner to bankrupt them
And what they did and who worked there are of no concern
And when his game time ends
He knows who and how much
His holdings will be safe and his bank account fat
His buyout will be big


Anonymous said...

You tell 'em Harry! I'm writing you in!

Anonymous said...

Well, it's better than having everything run by the church.

Or it is the same?

Jo Janoski said...

Harry for President? I'm for that. P.S. I like your blog's new look.

Dan said...

Cool new updated to the page. Very appropriate these days...let's get our guns and deflate the golden parachutes Harry!!