Saturday, January 26, 2008

Death in Pumpkin Time

I'll just take this small one, no is looking
The day is so clear and almost warm
A harvest day delight
I saw the field from the road and
Mama always said what good eating
A fall pumpkin makes
We can use the seeds to make our own
Patch next year
What's that noise?
Oh no, he has a gun
I'll run like a rabbit to ground
But the vines grab at my legs
And the sandy soil holds my feet
As this damn pumpkin will weigh me down
The fence is just a hundred feet way
What's that burning feeling in my back
I'm going down
The pumpkin splats on the ground
I'm going down
Over a gourd?
I can taste sweet pumpkin juice
So it was worth it


Word Catalyst Magazine said...

Stealing pumpkins again are we?

Jo Janoski said...

Methinks perhaps you wrote this from personal experience...

Bubba said...

Well, so long as you got to taste the juice...

Relax, it's probably just rock salt.

Dan said...

May I suggest, next time do your shopping at night.