Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Day at the Beach, Night under the Eclipsed Moon

Blue-green, emerald-azure water
Drinks at the white shore
Quartz-crystal reflects in passing moments
Blazing sunshine
The wind whispers a melody whose
Notes come from a past
As the sand dunes’ grasses change them into a song
Of the future
A young couple with searching fingers for each other’s
Hands, electric touch
A young mother sits watching her son
Build his sandcastle at the edge of the receding surf
It’s gleaming parapets daring the tide
An old man leaves three tracks behind him
And smiles down on the boy
Seeing both the past and possibilities
Like dolphins swimming between the waves
I was told that I was not tall enough
But I reached for the sky
They told me that I was too small
But I fit inside my skin
I was told that I wasn’t tough enough
But I fended off their slings and arrows
They told me that I wasn’t smart enough
But I could put one foot in front of the other
Each challenge, each test, each moment
Is another defining event
I’ve not yet reached every goal
But I’ve seen the gold of the sunshine
The strength of an eagle in flight
The sparkle of a gem in hand
The growth of an idea becoming reality
The beauty in your eyes


Word Catalyst Magazine said...

"Each challenge, each test,
each moment
Is another defining event"..and you have many more challenges ahead of you, my friend. I have no doubt you will rise to the occasion. This is beautiful.

Bubba said...

Just beautiful, Harry. Thanks for this...

Anonymous said...

Don't let anyone ever bring you down. Only go up...... I would love to post your poem on my site with your permission. So that more people could see it.