Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Just Another Day In Paradise

This transient frame of atoms
Spinning around each other in a random
I know that on some level I’m mainly space
With limited bits with the possibilities of being
A collection of carbon molecules bumping into one
The hawk screams that it is tired of tranquil isolation
Longing for a noisy party
Of people spinning around one another
Speaking words forgotten as they leave the mouths
Of babes
The killer trying to look innocent stood by the side of the road
It was a hot airless humid night
That starshine could not penetrate
Time showed on her face like waves in deep sea
And she was moist and damp beneath her clothes
She felt in her purse for the cold oily comfort of her gun
He was driving home after a town meeting
To reduce their carbon footprint
He saw her just in the edge of his car’s headlamps
Stopping to give her a lift
Some mistakes are worse than others
She shot him from behind blowing his face off into a field
And took his twenty-three dollars
And his car
Placing one foot in front of the other I try to move forward
I have such small feet it’s a wonder that I can stand
At all
Man, I have to stop drinking so much coffee
Late at night


Word Catalyst Magazine said...

Well I have to say that coffee does something for you that it's never done for me! You must be worn out come morning!

Bubba said...

I guess I'd have to assume that his carbon molecules were released a little quicker than he might have expected.

Maybe a little bout with the Bailey's might lighten the coffee's hold...

Still, like the killer, this one hits the mark.

Dan said...

Love it Harry! Caffeine and I are very close. This sounds like the beginning of a great short story.